Jubilee Jobs conducts an orientation every Monday at 9:00 a.m. and every Thursday at 1:00 p.m. at our offices located at 535 West Second Street, Suite 207.
For each person, the process begins with an open door and warm welcome. At Orientation, the first step in the Jubilee Jobs program, job-seekers learn that “there is nothing in your past that can keep you from a productive and hope-filled future.” After orientation, job seekers determine whether or not they will enter the program. Those who decide to participate find a structured 7-step process which leads to success. The process includes:
- Individual appointments with a job counselor, to evaluate job skills and specific circumstances.
- Small group workshops on interview preparation and conflict resolution.
- One-on-one resume development.
- Pre-arranged interviews throughout the area with referrals provided.
- Constructive follow-up after each interview.
- Applicants go on interviews set up by job counselors throughout the area until they hear the words, “You’re hired!”
Because we know that job retention is at least as important as the initial job offer, Jubilee Jobs continues to provide structured support and retention incentives once a client starts working. Job counselors and volunteers maintain contact with each employer and applicant, providing ongoing counsel and encouragement.
“Move up” program dinners provide a time for all working applicants and their families to gather for an informative program and share the challenges and successes of their new situation.
Today, thanks to God, myself and Jubilee Jobs, I am employable and responsible, and my life has gotten much better. I am a miracle!